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Executive Benchmark

Marketing Pulse Survey

As many organizations finalize their upcoming fiscal year budgets, we wanted to learn about how organizations are planning their marketing budgets - looking across overall budgetary spends, and specific areas of investment such as digital marketing efforts. Our latest ABA Executive Benchmark asked arts leaders about marketing budgets and changes due to the increased importance of digital.

Mid-Year Strategy and Finances

As we move into the second half of 2023, we wanted to check in on how arts institutions are faring, the overall state and sentiment about the last 6 months, how organizations are preparing for the remainder of the year, and the overall outlook for the sector. Our latest ABA Executive Benchmark asked arts and culture leaders to share the current state of their organizations’ ticket/membership sale health, operating budgets, and financial forecasts.

Accessibility Initiatives

As organizations continue to work towards greater inclusion in the arts, we want to learn specifically about the kinds of efforts and investments institutions have made around accessibility for both in-person and digital experiences. Our latest Arts Leader Survey asked arts leaders to benchmark themselves on the current trends in digital and on-site accessibility.