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Large Board Management with Santa Fe Opera

March 2023


This article is related to a recently completed custom research project ABA conducted on behalf of two members. Our research team is always delighted to speak with members about tailoring research projects to your organization. To learn more or submit a custom research request, simply contact your member advisor or email us at


This year, Santa Fe Opera posed an interesting question: what is the optimal way to manage a large, geographically dispersed board? In particular, what are the characteristics and board-participation commitments that other organizations employ with such boards? Reaching out to our network, we received responses from 12 organizations with this board makeup. Below we’ll summarize the key findings from this research.


Boards by the numbers:


Key trends:


1.     Most meetings occur on-site at main facilities

50% of respondents hold their meetings in person, on-site at the main facilities, most with video conferencing options. The rest of correspondents offer off-site meetings in rotating locations, a combination of both, or offer a split number of meetings in person and via video conference..


2.     Board Meeting Lengths

42% of respondents reported that meeting lengths vary throughout the year, with most (86%) running between 1.5 and 3 hours, 1.5 hours being the most common. Some respondents indicated additional social board meetings or retreats, which tend to be longer, around 2-6 hours.

3.    Prevalence of Various Board Committees

The most common committees are finance, executive, audit, and nomination committees.


4.     Committee meeting frequency varies by type

Most committee meetings are scheduled between 2 – 4 times per year, with nearly all respondents reporting that meeting frequency varies by committee.


5.     Board members join via video conference

92% of respondents permit board members to join via video conference, with one respondent adding that some meetings are more social, and thus lend themselves less to virtual gathering.

6.     Boards coincide their meetings with season high points

58% of organizations reported aligning their meeting schedule with season high points, most frequently aligning with the opening of the season or the opening gala.


7.     Themes of recent board policy changes

Board Engagement

Organizations are looking for new ways to engage their boards in social, fundraising, education, and engagement programs by adjusting meeting content and cadence, adding social events, lengthening meetings, and adding board staff.

New Committees

Respondents have added new committees, such as a Campus Executive Committee, People, Culture, and DEI Committee, and Development Committee.

Meeting Lengths

Multiple respondents reported lengthening their meetings, either in response to previously shortened meetings during Covid, or to foster more discussion time and breakout groups.

Covid Format

Organizations are returning to in-person meetings after gathering virtually during the pandemic.

New Board Staff

Organizations are adding new board staff to liaise with Board members, streamlining correspondence, scheduling, meeting organization, and record keeping.