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Fundraising & Major Gifts Analysis

September 2022


A research quest from an ABA symphony member about how best to manage major giving pipelines helped to shape our recent Arts Executive Poll on fundraising trends and major gifts. In the following weeks, we took a deeper dive into the data to provide a quantitative and qualitative look at current trends in how arts development professionals are engaging with major donors — and moving them into higher levels of giving.

Our report includes:

  • A quantitative look at fundraising from the most recent fiscal year, with a "zoom in" on symphony-specific data

  • An analysis of recent major gifts development officers reported receiving, with a focus on donors who made significant jumps in giving

  • Stories from development officers about specific individual donors who increased their giving to the organization

  • A collection of quotes from our conversations with development officers (and one arts donor) that informed our survey

Download the full report below.