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ABA Guide to Performance Reviews

While performance review processes are an important engagement tool for any organization, the reality of arts institutions often make annual reviews challenging to implement. With limits to budget and openings for promotion, there is a danger that many of the evaluative elements of performance reviews could feel punitive, without offering clear benefits.

After an ABA member requested our support in proposing a new process for their annual review system, we gathered some key principles of performance reviews that organizations of any genre can use to engage team members around professional growth and development — without tying to promotions or compensation.

The guide includes the following:

  • Benefits of and tips to implement an annual “manager check-in” process

  • Guidelines for setting effective management-level goals as an organization

  • An “individual development plan” tool for managers to use when coaching their team members

  • Resources on how to avoid potential biases when conducting performance conversations

ABA members can download the guide by clicking below.