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Managing Artist and Community Collaborations

April 2024


This article is related to a recently completed custom research project conducted on behalf of an ABA member. Our research team is always delighted to speak with members about tailoring research projects to your organization. To learn more or submit a custom research request, simply contact your member advisor or email us at

How do organizations set up partnerships with artists and community groups to establish clear expectations and outcomes? How do organizations maintain ongoing communications and connections with partners throughout their respective projects and afterwards? 

These questions, from a performing arts organization in the ABA membership, led to a qualitative research study comprising interviews with 7 arts and cultural organizations across both presenting and visual arts genres. 

Findings from the research include:

  • Clear definition of desired project outcomes helps direct partner identification and selection processes: understanding core project motivations allows organizations to determine the main criteria they are looking for in external partners.

  • Pre-contract meetings are critical to establishing mutual trust: organizations should take the time to clearly outline project goals and outcomes, and ensure a common baseline around respective responsibilities and actual resources and budgets. 

  • Organizations maintain institutional branding for partner events: organizations manage marketing and promotions of their partner events, which alleviates the burden and cost from artists and groups, and ensures continuity and connection with other core programming. 

  • Securing internal buy-in is critical to supporting the efforts of small core teams: artists and community collaboration require considerable staff time. It is therefore critical to be clear about the mission value of these projects and to be transparent about when and how other teams will be asked to support core staff.


To read these and more findings, download the report below: