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Staying Connected With Audiences During Performance Cancellations

March 17, 2020

Most organizations in areas where Coronavirus has hit hardest, have cancelled performances through the next week or up to the middle of May. (See the bottom of this post for a list of known cancellations). As you think about how to stay connected to audiences during this time, we offer several examples of how others have already approached the question, as food for thought.

Option 1: Stream Existing Content Online or Broadcast on Public Radio and Television

Almost all arts organizations are finding a way to stream existing or new content to audiences. Below are the four most common methods and examples you can emulate.

Paid Digital Access

In Milwaukee, the Florentine Opera pre-recorded a closed performance of The Tragedy of Carmen, which was originally scheduled March 13-22. Those who had purchased tickets will be able to watch the performance next week through a password-protected link. It will be a two to three camera production, and the digital performance is being supported by Studio Gear, a provider of audio, visual, and lighting equipment and production services throughout the U.S

Free Enhanced Digital Offerings

 In Germany, the Berlin Philharmonic’s live-streamed its Berio concert for free through the orchestra’s Digital Concert Hall.  As of this afternoon, the concert has been taken down for editing and will be available soon. Furthermore, through a voucher code, anyone will be able to access all concerts and films in the Digital Concert Hall’s repertoire for free.

Public Broadcasting

In Switzerland, the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra and French violinist Renaud Capuçon played a full concert to an empty hall last Wednesday. Their performance, which was canceled after the Swiss government prohibited all gatherings of 1000 or more people, was broadcast by Swiss public television and radio.

Online Live and Pre-Recorded Content on YouTube or Facebook

The Philadelphia Orchestra performed Thursday's scheduled concert to an empty Verizon Hall, but broadcast it on Facebook Live and radio by the orchestra’s radio partner, WRTI-FM.

In Germany, NDR Kultur, a public radio and television broadcaster, has been offering since February 2019 a selection of opera productions (from 2009 to 2019) that will be available via streaming until September 30, 2020. The selections are available directly on the NDR Kultur website.

Option 2: Expand Content Outside Traditional Performances

Many arts organizations are beginning to use this as an opportunity to humanize themselves and their audiences. We recommend you consider going beyond streaming performances and build strong virtual emotional connections to make it more likely that audiences return post-crisis.

In China, the Macao Farmers’ Art Troupe wrote and performed a song in the traditional operatic style of Huadengxi called “Win the Battle Against Pneumonia.” The Chinese government has broadcast the performance on television and radio stations across the country as officials strive to inform the local elderly population about coronavirus.

Others have highlighted content to help new audiences appreciate the artists or concert background. Ballet Austin has some great content humanizing the productions (see this “Snow Wars” nutcracker example) that they can promote. The LA Philharmonic has an extensive series of “behind the scenes” videos along with free online performances

The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra has taken the most steps to engage its audience as the coronavirus swept China. In February, it launched a series of online masterclasses taught by its principal instrumentalists. It also released 120 episodes of music with commentary as a series of audio programs. Lastly, SSO has held weekend concerts by featuring some of its pre-recorded performances with world-renowned musicians.

Other Lists of Free Classical Music & Concerts

“Let Culture Calm You” Medium collection of online culture available
Boston Globe list of online classical music available

List of Known Cancellations and Other Resources

League of American Orchestras Coronavirus site - includes cancellations list
Opera America Coronavirus resource site - includes cancellations list

Do you wish to appeal to your audience about your artists and musicians who are affected by cancellations? Consider setting up a fund for them, as Opera San Jose has done.